Tuesday, March 20, 2012

5 Ways to Integrate Technology Into Your Child's Education

This article is written with parents in mind, but it is also quite useful for K-12 educators. Author Jeff Galinovsky looks at how integrating technology for educational purposes is more than just choosing a device and software. When used properly, technology can enhance multiple ways of learning and the experience of many types of learners. Some of the opportunities he covers we have already looked at in our Interactivities while others offer a new way of thinking about technology integration.


  1. Laura, thanks for the post. Any thing in specific that stood out to you from the article?

  2. Kevin, I liked how this article embraces the fact that technology is here to stay and it's high time we did something to integrate it into education. I liked how the author pointed out that technology lends a multi-modal approach to learning which is beneficial to most students. I also liked that he touched on teaching safety when using the internet and the broad resources it offers, since that is something that has come up in other articles I've been reading and posting. My feeling is that the sooner we begin teaching and modeling responsible usage to young students, the easier and safer it will be for kids to use technology for lifelong learning. (Similar to how the new HIB policies are educating the youngest students on bullying and prevention.) Galinovsky also talks about using technology to provide individualized lessons; I think that would be difficult to accomplish in most schools right now, but is something to keep in mind as technological resources increase in schools. Personally, I think one of the most critical jobs for any teacher is to link classroom learning to students' lives outside of school, and this article encourages parents to take up some of that responsibility as well and encourage students to learn with the tools they will be using throughout their lifetimes.
